
"There are none so blind as those who will not see." --

Friday, November 15, 2013

Proof that Logic Can Be Fun

Proof that Logic Can Be Fun:

Premise 1. If you consider the sub-proof SP, you'll see that logic can be fun:

Premise 2. You consider SP:

       Sub-premise 1. All valid arguments which have a false conclusion have at least one false premise.
       Sub-premise 2. This argument has a false conclusion.
       Sub-premise 3. So, if this argument is valid, it has a false premise.
       Sub-premise 4. But this is a valid argument.
       Sub-Conclusion. Hence, this argument has at least one false premise.

(Lemma 1: You're probably thinking: WTF?! Just what kind of argument is SP supposed to be?!)

Conclusion: See? Logic can be fun!

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